Saturday, 9 March 2013


Vine is a micro-video sharing app for iPhone and iPod Touch. Vine is owned by Twitter and like how twitter only lets you put 140 characters into a tweet, Vine only lets you make video montages 6 seconds or less.
You can sign up to vine using your Twitter account or your email.

You click and hold to record and once you have captured what you want you can publish your vine to the app, Twitter and Facebook.
It has only been out less that a week and I have so far noticed only a few bugs. Such as when you are using the app offline it often works really slow and sometimes deletes videos when you reconnect to the internet. Just like Twitter you can follow people and use hashtags however you can also like and comment on videos.
The closest thing to this currently on the app store is Cinemagram. Cinemagram lets you record 2 second videos, add effects to them and you can upload to it straight from your camera roll. Cinemagram and Vine are extremely similar but Vine is a tad more simple.
Overall, Vine is an extremely good, well built app which will hopefully be coming to other platforms such as Android and BlackBerry soon.

Originally posted: 28/1/2013

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